General Information
AMS-PHPT Research Collaboration is a program between the Faculty of Associated Medical Sciences (AMS), Chiang Mai University (CMU), and the French Government, involving a large network of scientists, academics, public health policy makers and clinicians affiliated with governmental and academic institutions in Thailand and around the world. Initiated in 1996 in Chiang Mai, the epicenter of the HIV epidemic in Thailand at that time, its overall goal was to help improve HIV prevention and care at the family level through clinical research focusing primarily on prevention of mother-to-child transmission. More recently, the research activities have expanded to other highly prevalent infectious disease in South East Asia.
Our clinical research group in Thailand includes a network of over 40 public hospitals. Its coordination center in Chiang Mai is responsible for protocol development, training, monitoring of onsite activities, data processing and analysis, logistics, drug distribution and administration. A central Virology and Pharmacology Laboratory, linked to the Faculty of Associated Medial Sciences at Chiang Mai University, is supporting clinical research activities and conducting laboratory-based research. We also provide training, mentoring and support for health professionals and advanced students in health sciences and health social science.
Chiang Mai University and French Government are collaborating under a Thailand International Cooperation Agency (TICA) agreement entitled "Novel tools and strategies for diagnosis, prevention, monitoring and treatment of infectious diseases in Southeast Asia" (July 2021 - June 2026).
Overall goals
1. To improve methods for early diagnosis of infection to ensure:
(a) for those infected: timely and appropriate treatment for their own health and for prevention of transmission to others
(b) for those uninfected: access to effective prevention.
2. To design and assess effective and safe prevention and treatment interventions
3. To strengthen monitoring tools to improve efficacy and adherence to these interventions.